Re: Generating a simple hand-coded like recursive descent parser

Hans-Peter Diettrich <>
21 Sep 2006 10:33:15 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Hans-Peter Diettrich <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Sep 2006 10:33:15 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 06-09-02906-09-042 06-09-048 06-09-060 06-09-078 06-09-093
Keywords: parse, C
Posted-Date: 21 Sep 2006 10:33:15 EDT

Tommy Thorn wrote:

> to work, most people think that C is an LALR(1) language or simpler (*).

> (*) It's not. The lexer has to know which names are types, otherwise it
> becomes impossible to tell if the statement
> x * y;
> is a declation of a pointer to x or an expression multiplying x and y.

A more practical example, found in this group already:
      a = (b)-c;
is (b) a type cast, or an expression?

Sorry, I don't remember who "invented" this fine example :-(

As a solution for this problem in my LL(1.5) C parser, I leave the
distinction to a stage between the lexer and parser, inside the
preprocessor. Only in this stage "words" are mapped into keywords,
typenames and other identifiers. The according "symbol" table is
initialized with the C keywords, the preprocessor adds to it all
#defined names, and the parser adds all encountered typedef names. This
procedure works fine, provided that typedefs always have global scope,
as is required in C. C++ makes it more complicated, with namespaces and
local typedefs :-(


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