Re: Generating a simple hand-coded like recursive descent parser

Chris Dollin <>
22 Sep 2006 22:26:58 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Chris Dollin <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 22 Sep 2006 22:26:58 -0400
Organization: HP labs, Bristol
References: 06-09-02906-09-042 06-09-048 06-09-060 06-09-078 06-09-093 06-09-108
Keywords: parse, types
Posted-Date: 22 Sep 2006 22:26:58 EDT

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:


> #defined names, and the parser adds all encountered typedef names. This
> procedure works fine, provided that typedefs always have global scope,
> as is required in C.

Not so far as I'm aware: I couldn't find such a restriction for C90,
and could find implications in the text that it would be allowed.
Experimentally, `gcc -ansi -pedantic` was quite happy with a typedef
inside `main`.

Chris "falling further in" Dollin
I'm full of sweetness and light. And I'm /keeping/ it.

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