Re: Generating a simple hand-coded like recursive descent parser

"Mr.E" <>
11 Sep 2006 15:51:53 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Generating a simple hand-coded like recursive descent parser (Mr.E) (2006-09-11)
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From: "Mr.E" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Sep 2006 15:51:53 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 06-09-02906-09-034 06-09-038 06-09-041
Keywords: parse, Basic
Posted-Date: 11 Sep 2006 15:51:53 EDT

Pascal Bourguignon wrote:
> The main idea of the recursive descent parser, is that you can select
> the production rule from the first terminal.
> With these rules:
> start --> c1|c2|c3|c4|k1|k2|k3|l1|l2|d1|d2|d3
> c1 --> "compile"
> c2 --> "compile" "long" "if"
> c3 --> "compile" "xelse"
> c4 --> "compile" "end" "if"
> k1 --> "clear"
> k2 --> "clear" "local"
> k3 --> "clear" "local" "mode"
> l1 --> "local"
> l2 --> "local" "mode"
> d1 --> "def" "fn" <function name> [ "(" <paramater list> ")" ]
> d2 --> "def" "fn" <function name> "=" <expression>
> d3 --> "def" "fn" <function name> "USING" <functionPointer>
> from the parse-start function and the first terminal read (let's say
> it's "compile", you cannot know which rule to apply, which function to
> call.
> So you have to transform the grammar to make sure that for each non
> terminal the set of the first symbols derivable from that non terminal
> is disjoint from the set for the other non terminals (at least, for
> the other non terminals derivable from the same places).
> c --> "compile" c1|c2|c3|c4
> c1 -->
> c2 --> "long" "if"
> c3 --> "xelse"
> c4 --> "end" "if"
> k --> "clear" k1|kl
> k1 -->
> kl --> "local" kl1|kl2
> kl1 -->
> kl2 --> "mode"
> l --> "local" l1|l2
> l1 -->
> l2 --> "mode"
> d --> "def" "fn" <function name> d0|d1|d2|d3
> d0 -->
> d1 --> "(" <paramater list> ")"
> d2 --> "=" <expression>
> d3 --> "USING" <functionPointer>
> Then, for each production rule you can write a function that will know
> immediately from the current terminal symbol read (token) which
> function to call (what non-terminal production rule to invoke).
> parse-start:
> if token="compile" then c
> parse-c:
> accept "compile"
> if token="long" then c2
> else if token="xelse" then c3
> else if token="end" then c4
> else c1
> parse-d:
> accept "def"
> accept "fn"
> parse-function-name
> if token="(" then parse-d1
> else if token="=" then parse-d2
> else if token="USING" then parse-d3
> else parse-d0
> parse-d1:
> accept "("
> parse-paremter-list
> accept ")"
> ...
> But notice how this creates "artificial" non-terminals and their
> corresponding procedures.

As I've understood your parser, it is similar in design (initially) as
my scanner. I made the scanner do more of the work with recognizing
the compound keywords. I know all the combinations so the scanner
return a single token for the compound word reducing the tokens to a
terminal, simplifying the parser. As far as the parser is concerned
there are no compound keywords.

I see what you are saying about the parsing and will keep it in mind
while I'm re-drafting how I'm going to parse.

I believe I read a post from our moderator once that said that scanning
can be 20% of compilation time because the scanner has to touch every
character. My scanner is pretty efficient and should make life easier
on my parser and me.


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