Re: Generating a simple hand-coded like recursive descent parser

"" <>
9 Sep 2006 22:52:42 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 9 Sep 2006 22:52:42 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 06-09-029
Keywords: parse
Posted-Date: 09 Sep 2006 22:52:42 EDT

Mr.E wrote:
> There are approximately 600 keyword or keyword combinations which
> include compound words due to intrinsic functions.

What do you mean by keyword combinations?

> Is there a parser generator that produces the equivalent of a
> hand-coded recursive descent parser? I'm looking for a generator
> that doesn't require an engine and doesn't use external libraries...
> just plain old C.

I've seen CoCo/R mentioned... ANTLR also produces recursive descent
(LL(*)) parsers, but converting its output to basic may be about the
least fun thing you could do...

> I can watch and debug recursive descent code because I can understand
> that. I cant imagine trying to debug a table driven parser or having
> to rewrite it in BASIC.

You could always write one by hand -- BASIC's grammar isn't overly
complex, and it could be a good learning experience :D

> Also are there any algorithms for AST building. Everything I've
> understand tells me that I really want to build an AST and do code
> generation from it versus trying to generate code as I go along. I
> thought I understood the process but I'm not there yet.

Well that one's up to you... you could make a completely abstract tree:
struct ASTNode {
    int isLeaf;
    void *leaf;
    struct {
        int numChildren;
        ASTNode *children;
    } branch;

In this you can just store the whole parse tree, alternatively you just
store the semantics of what is being parsed. In which case basically
all you are doing is building a tree that represents the important bits
of your grammar. eg (from -- i
really don't know basic :D).
statement ::= PRINT expr-list
                                  IF expression relop expression THEN statement
                                  GOTO expression
                                  INPUT var-list
                                  LET var = expression
                                  GOSUB expression

for which you *might* make a pair of types:
enum statement_type {
    print_statement, if_statement, goto_statement, ..., end_statement

struct statement_s {
    statement_type type;
    union {
        struct {
            expression_list *expressions;
        } print_stat;
        struct {
            relop operator;
            expression *lhs, *rhs;
            struct statement_s *statement;
        } if_stat;
        struct {
            expression *target;
        } goto_statement;

Now when you parse a statement you create a statement struct for the
appropriate branch, and fill in the appropriate bits. But note we
aren't storing syntax info -- all we have in the node is the actual
information we *need* to reconstruct the meaning.

Apologies for any issues in the above codei tend to use languages where
subtyping is an option :D

And other people here can probably explain this somewhat better than i
have :(


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