Re: UNCOL, or: dealing with loss of information when compiling. (Preston Briggs)
23 Jun 1996 23:17:56 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: UNCOL, or: dealing with loss of information when compiling. (1996-06-23)
UNCOL, or: dealing with loss of information when compiling. (Dave Lloyd) (1996-06-26)
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From: (Preston Briggs)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 23 Jun 1996 23:17:56 -0400
Organization: /etc/organization
References: 96-05-163 96-06-054 96-06-069
Keywords: C, UNCOL, performance

Toon Moene <> writes:
>I must, to my embarrassment, confess that all of my knowledge about
>compilers stems from this one text book that carries the nick-name "Dragon
>Book". I bought it 14 years ago, and have never read anything else on the
>subject. Do you have a reference for Wolfe's book ? (I recall that it has
>some repugnant title like "Supercompilers for Supercomputers", which to me
>has a uncomfortably high "Carl Sagan touch" to it).

Supercompilers for Supercomputing was Wolfe's thesis
and "best-selling monograph."

Perhaps the reference is to

High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing
Michael Wolfe
Addison-Wesley, 1996

Don't be confused -- Wolfe is not Sagan.

Preston Briggs

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