x86 code generation

"Nick Shaffner" <nicks@3drealms.com>
14 Jun 2000 12:47:08 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Nick Shaffner" <nicks@3drealms.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Jun 2000 12:47:08 -0400
Organization: Concentric Internet Services
Keywords: 386, code, question

        Anyone know where I can get some good information on code
generation stratagies for x86 (thinking Pentium+) specific processors?

        It seems that nearly all the compiler texts and papers I've read
seem only to dedicate a few pages to dealing with the x86's major
idosyncracies, and they usually just show you a couple of ways to hack
'x86' support into a general purpose back end.

        I am interested x86 specific code generation, including
intermediete representations that are friendly to the architecture,
strategies for managing the floating point stack, dealing with the
lack of registers - but making use of register renaming, etc.

          Could anyone offer any guidance as to where I could find such

                                                        Much thanks,
[I've seen thick manuals from Intel full of advice on x86 code
generation. You can probably find PDFs on their developer web
site. -John]

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