Re: What ideas are better for assigning registers to terminals?

Max Hailperin <>
11 Oct 1999 02:37:39 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: What ideas are better for assigning registers to terminals? (Max Hailperin) (1999-10-11)
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From: Max Hailperin <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Oct 1999 02:37:39 -0400
Organization: Gustavus Adolphus College
References: 99-09-060 99-10-032 99-10-037
Keywords: registers, optimize (Andreas Krall) writes:

> Peter Bergner <> writes:
> .... Read about conservative coalescing in Preston [Briggs]'s
> thesis ...

> Conservative coalescing gives worse results than Chaitins original
> agressive coalescing. ...

Just to be absolutely clear: Briggs did not suggest using conservative
coalescing in the normal case, only in the very limited context of
un-splitting live-range splits. His allocator used agressive
coalescing normally. Krall may well have known this, and Moon and
Park (whom he cites) certainly did, and say as much. But I have run
into a number of people who do not know this, and the comments quoted
above might well reinforce their mis-understanding.

So far as I know, it is Appel and George who first applied
conservative coalescing as the normal coalescing scheme. Appel's book
has been spreading this idea rather widely. But it is not Briggs's.

  -Max Hailperin
    Associate Professor of Computer Science
    Gustavus Adolphus College
    800 W. College Ave.
    St. Peter, MN 56082

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