Re: What ideas are better for assigning registers to terminals? (Andreas Krall)
6 Oct 1999 09:18:52 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Andreas Krall)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 6 Oct 1999 09:18:52 -0400
Organization: Vienna University of Technology, Austria
References: 99-09-060 99-10-032
Keywords: registers, optimize

Peter Bergner <> writes:
> 3) Coalescing can cause the interference graph to become *more*
> constrained. This is caused by the fact that the degree of
> the new coalesced symreg will become higher if there exist
> any neighbors that did not interfere with both symregs before
> we coalesced them together. Read about conservative coalescing
> in Preston's thesis for one possible solution to this problem.
> Preston's thesis along with many other register allocation
> related papers can be found at:

Conservative coalescing gives worse results than Chaitins original
agressive coalescing. If a conflict graph becomes uncolorable due
to agressive coalescing live range splitting can be done between
coalesced registers. There is a very nice paper on this topic:

                AUTHOR = {Jinpyo Park and Soo-Mook Moon},
                TITLE = {Optimistic Register Coalescing},
                BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Parallel
                                              Architectures and Compilation Techniques},
                EDITOR = {Jean-Luc Gaudiot},
                ORGANIZATION= {IFIP,ACM,IEEE},
                PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
                PAGES = {196--204},
                ADDRESS = {Paris},
                MONTH = {October},
                YEAR = 1998}

-- Andreas Krall Inst. f. Computersprachen, TU Wien
tel: (+431) 58801/18511 Argentinierstr. 8/4/1851
fax: (+431) 58801/18598 A-1040 Wien AUSTRIA EUROPE

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