Re: yacc parse tree

"Alan H. Martin" <>
2 Jan 1999 00:23:47 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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[3 earlier articles]
Re: yacc parse tree (1998-12-18)
Re: yacc parse tree (1998-12-18)
Re: yacc parse tree (Josh Adams) (1998-12-19)
Re: yacc parse tree (Joachim Durchholz) (1998-12-19)
Re: yacc parse tree (Sukru Cinar) (1998-12-21)
Re: yacc parse tree (Sukru Cinar) (1998-12-22)
Re: yacc parse tree (Alan H. Martin) (1999-01-02)
Re: yacc parse tree (Sukru Cinar) (1999-01-02)
Re: yacc parse tree (1999-01-02)
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From: "Alan H. Martin" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 2 Jan 1999 00:23:47 -0500
Organization: UltraNet Communications , an RCN Company
References: 98-12-018 98-12-026
Keywords: lex, comment

> ... grep is unrelated to lex even though the expression languages
> are similar, lex compiles the patterns to a DFA while the various greps
> either use an NFA (egrep and plain grep) or ad-hoc fixed string matching
> (fgrep). ...
> -John]

Note that while fgrep's pattern language is less expressive than grep or
egrep's, the usual implementation is classical enough to have been published
in CACM:

A. V. Aho and M. J. Corasick.
Efficient string matching: an aid to bibliographic search.
Communications of the ACM, 18(6):333-340, 1975.
Alan Howard Martin AMartin@MA.UltraNet.Com
[Now that he reminds me, the fgrep algorithm is quite clever, sometimes
requiring less than one comparison per character. -John]

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