Re: Translation between high level languages (David Weller)
30 Nov 1997 22:56:06 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Translation between high level languages (Mikal Ziane) (1997-11-29)
Re: Translation between high level languages (1997-11-30)
Re: Translation between high level languages (Henry Spencer) (1997-11-30)
Re: Translation between high level languages (1997-11-30)
Re: Translation between high level languages (J.Lampe) (1997-12-02)
Re: Translation between high level languages (1997-12-14)
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From: (David Weller)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.theory
Date: 30 Nov 1997 22:56:06 -0500
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA
Distribution: inet
References: 97-11-169
Keywords: translator

Mikal Ziane <> wrote:
>Don't know if this is the proper group but I haven't found a better one.
>I am looking for references on translating between high-level
>languages (rather than compiling to an assembly language or a
>low level virtual machine).

I'd be interested in this also, so please reply to this newsgroup (or
cc my e-mail address). I've not found many references.

My experiences so far have been somewhat enlightening though...I'm
using ANTLR ( to do some very crude
source-to-source translations. Mostly from C/C++ into something less
abominal :-)

The AST walker facilities of ANTLR are very nice, and lend themselves
well to such approaches.

>The ideal would be attempts to describe the semantics of
>some class of languages and using it to translate between
>languages of this class.

Yikes! As John said, you're better off avoiding that one.

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