Translation between high level languages

Mikal Ziane <>
29 Nov 1997 00:28:36 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Translation between high level languages (Mikal Ziane) (1997-11-29)
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Re: Translation between high level languages (1997-12-14)
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From: Mikal Ziane <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.theory
Date: 29 Nov 1997 00:28:36 -0500
Organization: Université Paris 5 et LIP6
Distribution: inet
Keywords: translator, comment

Hello all,

Don't know if this is the proper group but I haven't found a better one.
I am looking for references on translating between high-level
languages (rather than compiling to an assembly language or a
low level virtual machine).
I am especially interested in as-universal-as-possible approaches
(not simply from say C to Java or any other particular case).
The ideal would be attempts to describe the semantics of
some class of languages and using it to translate between
languages of this class.

thanx a lot in advance

[The issues in translating to a high level language aren't all that different
from translating to assembler, except that people care a lot more about the
appearance and structure of the output code. Before looking for a universal
approach, study the sorry history of UNCOLs, which tell us that languages
that look similar are usually a lot farther apart semantically than you
would ever have believed. -John]

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