Re: Translation between high level languages (Henry Baker)
30 Nov 1997 22:50:47 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Translation between high level languages (Mikal Ziane) (1997-11-29)
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Re: Translation between high level languages (J.Lampe) (1997-12-02)
Re: Translation between high level languages (1997-12-14)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: (Henry Baker)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.theory
Date: 30 Nov 1997 22:50:47 -0500
Organization: nil
Distribution: inet
References: 97-11-169
Keywords: translator

Mikal Ziane <> wrote:

> I am looking for references on translating between high-level
> languages (rather than compiling to an assembly language or a low
> level virtual machine). I am especially interested in
> as-universal-as-possible approaches (not simply from say C to Java or
> any other particular case). The ideal would be attempts to describe
> the semantics of some class of languages and using it to translate
> between languages of this class.

ANSI C has been used as a target language for a number of years
because of its ubiquity. More recently, both Java itself as well as
the Java byte codes have been used as targets.

For many years, Fortran had been a target, although not a particularly
good one, because it was severely portability-impaired.

Lisp is the easiest and best target, because there is so little to do.
This is why it earned the reputation as being the spawner of so many
`higher level' languages.

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