Re: Compiler for accumulator-based processor

Sergey Solyanik <>
23 Nov 1997 19:48:44 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Sergey Solyanik <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 23 Nov 1997 19:48:44 -0500
Organization: Bentley Systems, Inc.
References: 97-11-110
Keywords: C, architecture

Jean-Christophe Le Lann wrote:
> I don't know much about compilers but I'd like to build (or get) one
> to produce code for a very simple 8-bit microprocessor named Hercules
> (originally designed by Pr. N.Wirth for educationnal purpose).
> It is based on a single register ("accumulator").

Try the Small C Compiler. There was a book that included source code
for it, and code generator for Intel-8080, which was accumulator-based
CPU. This compiler is very primitive, very easy to retarget within
architecture and provides very good playground.

The book is most likely out of print, but may still be in many
libraries, and the source is in public domain and is widely available
on the 'Net.

Regards --

Sergey Solyanik
Software Developer

Bentley Systems, Inc
[It's long out of print, see the FAQ for the reference. -John]


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