Compiler for accumulator-based processor

Jean-Christophe Le Lann <>
20 Nov 1997 22:32:13 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Jean-Christophe Le Lann <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Nov 1997 22:32:13 -0500
Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE
Keywords: architecture, question


I don't know much about compilers but I'd like to build (or get) one
to produce code for a very simple 8-bit microprocessor named Hercules
(originally designed by Pr. N.Wirth for educationnal purpose).

It is based on a single register ("accumulator").

I guess many of you have designed such a compiler (from C or Pascal to
assembly language). So I'd be interessted in any information,advice or
available software

Thanks in advance !
Jean-Christophe LE LANN.
IRISA/INRIA. Projet EPATR. Bureau E218
Campus de Beaulieu F-35042 Rennes Cedex.
E-mail : Tel :
[It's just like any other processor, except that the register allocation
is really easy. One approach is to treat intermediate values as a stack,
put the top of the stack in the accumulator, and spill to fixed memory
locations. -John]


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