Re: Using C as an UNCOL (Fergus Henderson)
21 Jun 1996 17:05:13 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Fergus Henderson)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Jun 1996 17:05:13 -0400
Organization: Comp Sci, University of Melbourne
References: 96-05-061 96-05-163 96-06-044 96-06-054 96-06-066
Keywords: C, UNCOL

Dave Lloyd <> writes:
> In summary, C is sufficient as an intermediate, but it is too poor for
> high-performance compilers of larger languages.

Daniel C Wang <> writes:
>There are lots of langauges that don't need high-performance compilers and
>rather be portable. I'm personally of the opinion that for that large subset
>of langauges an UNCOL that has some of the same properties that makes C good
>for such a job with fixes for things that make C a pain is only a matter of
>engineering. So I'm puzzled why someone hasn't done it yet. Has ANDF and
>other failed attempts left such a bad taste in everyone's mouth?

One of the most important properties that makes C good as an intermediate
target language is that there are good optimizing backends (C compilers)
available for the vast majority of platforms.

GNU C provides some fixes for many of the things that make C a pain as a
target language, but GNU C is not as portable as ANSI C, and there are
some platforms for which GNU C is significantly worse than the best
available C compilers.

Creating a new intermediate language is easy; creating good optimizing
backends for a variety of platforms is hard.

Fergus Henderson <>
WWW: <>
PGP: finger fjh@

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