Re: Looking for Yacc grammar parser (Xtofd)
25 Mar 1996 21:49:53 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Looking for Yacc grammar parser (Greg White) (1996-03-17)
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From: (Xtofd)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 25 Mar 1996 21:49:53 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
References: 96-03-122
Keywords: yacc

Greg White <> writes:

>I am looking for a program that will allow me to parse Yacc grammars.
>I am trying to create a yacc -> yacc translator which imbeds
>state information in the code segments.

...I think I saw one, on paper (in the DPX2/2300 doc')
In fact it is very small (yacc is a very simple language),
I don't know if it will be functionnal...

Do I scan, OCRize it and post ;) ? <SomeWhere in FrancE>

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