Reconfigurable Computer Languages

vcc <>
7 Mar 1996 00:08:55 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Reconfigurable Computer Languages (vcc) (1996-03-07)
Re: Reconfigurable Computer Languages (1996-03-22)
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From: vcc <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 7 Mar 1996 00:08:55 -0500
Organization: Virtual Computer Corporation
Keywords: parallel, architecture

There is a thread on what languages should be used for a new class
of computers called reconfigurable computers in comp.arch.fpga.
These new computer systems are based on reconfigurable Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs let you download a file
that completely reconfigures the logic in the part on the fly.
This gives very low level parallelism. A short overview of
reconfigurable computers can be found at I thought
the thread needed some complier people to give some input so..

Steve Casselman

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