Re: Parallel compilers

Michael Parkes <>
5 Mar 1996 12:23:33 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Michael Parkes <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 5 Mar 1996 12:23:33 -0500
Organization: Sense Networking Seattle (
References: 96-02-236 96-02-290 96-02-325
Keywords: parallel, C (Alex Colvin) wrote:
>Early Un*x compilers ran as a number of processes connected by pipes.
>Although this was largely due to address space limits, I suppose it
>might allow some overlap of analysis and I/O.
>Unfortunately, it looks like C requires that the lexer and declaration
>semantics be carefully synchronized, limiting the potential


I have worked on a tool that splits a compiler into a number of
processes linked by pipes and have tested the results. The speed up
is pretty good with the usual limits - the result runs as fast as the
slowest part and only scales to the number of passes (usually 4-6

It turns out that there is no *need* to synchronize the a 'C' lexer
with the parser and symantics it is just common practice as it makes
things somewhat easier when writing a compiler in a traditional manor.
However, using suitable tools the lexer can run as a free standing
process with no noticeable effects.



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