New IPD Modula-2* Version Available Now (Ernst A. Heinz)
Mon, 18 Apr 1994 14:43:49 GMT

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New IPD Modula-2* Version Available Now (1994-04-18)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Ernst A. Heinz)
Keywords: modula, parallel, available, FTP
Organization: University of Karlsruhe, FRG
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 14:43:49 GMT

*** F I N A L L Y R E L E A S E D A N D A V A I L A B L E N O W ***

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| M o d u l a - 2 * Programming Environment |
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| created by |
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| Thomas Gauweiler, Stefan U. Haenssgen, Ernst A. Heinz |
| Paul Lukowicz, Hendrik Mager, Michael Philippsen |
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| email: |
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| registration email: |
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| Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) |
| Department of Informatics |
| University of Karlsruhe |
| F.R. Germany |
| |
| April 10, 1994 |
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| |

The IPD Modula-2* team is pleased to announce the final release of version
9401 of the new Modula-2* programming environment for the following

I386 = 386/486/Pentium PC running BSDI/386 Unix (sequential)
KSRS = Kendall Square Research KSR-1/KSR-2 running KSR-OS (sequential)
LINX = 386/486/Pentium PC running Linux (sequential)
MIPS = R3000/R4000 DECStation running Ultrix (sequential)
SUN3 = 680x0 Sun-3 running SunOS (sequential)
SUN4 = SPARC Sun-4/SparcStation running SunOS (sequential)

In the near future IPD Modula-2* version 9401 will also be available for two
real parallel machines:

KSRP = Kendall Square Research KSR-1/KSR-2 running KSR-OS (parallel)
MASP = MasPar MP-1/MP-2 with DECStation frontend running MP-Ultrix (parallel)

Please stay tuned if you are interested in the latter!

| Functionality |

We have experienced our Modula-2* system to be a very useful tool for
research, education, and even large scale program development.

The outstanding advantages of the IPD Modula-2* system follow from its
unique support of explicitly parallel high-level language constructs on a
variety of parallel and sequential machines. This and the fact that it
does not cost anything if solely used for research and/or educational
purposes, make our Modula-2* system an attractive and valuable platform
for classes and courses in parallel programming. The Modula-2* parallel
libraries "msEnum", "msReduce", and "msScan", included in the system with
complete source codes, surely add to this attraction. These libraries
efficiently implement various primitive parallel operations like
reductions and scans for one-dimensional arrays.

But the IPD Modula-2* system is n o t only directed towards parallel
programming. Beside its explicitly parallel features, it is a complete
sequential Modula-2 programming environment offering:

  - an optimizing compiler translating Modula-2 source programs to portable
  - transparent interfacing and full integration of foreign modules written
      in C,
  - a sophisticated cross-architecture make facility generating standard
      Unix makefiles that trigger the separate compilation of Modula-2 and
      generated or foreign C modules (including automatic re-compilation
      whenever necessary),
  - X Windows and Emacs development support,
  - and some basic libraries (e.g. "msFIO", "msIO", "msMath", and "msTimer").

Although the translation to C causes some complications and disadvantages,
mainly the missing option of runtime range and index checking, we are
still convinced that its gains clearly outnumber the associated problems.
The central arguments for C as an "intermediate" language are
availability, portability, and resulting native code quality. Furthermore,
many real parallel computer systems do not even support lower-level
languages than C which was quite important for our Modula-2* effort.

The biggest drawback of the IPD Modula-2* system is the lack of good and
consistent symbolic debugging support in terms of the language. Naturally,
you can always use your favourite C debugger to investigate the generated
C codes. Beside "debugging by value printing" this is what we usually do.
It actually works fine because the generated C programs resemble the
Modula-2 originals very closely as for structure, readability, and
identifiers. But the scheme is far from satisfactory, of course!

| Availability |

The IPD Modula-2* system is available for 386/486/Pentium PCs running
Linux, R3000/R4000 DECStations running Ultrix, SPARC Sun-4s or
SparcStations running SunOS, 680x0 Sun-3s running SunOS, and MasPar
MP-1/MP-2 massively parallel systems with DECStation frontends running

In addition to the above platforms on which the IPD Modula-2* environment
actually runs, it is able to generate code for 386/486/Pentium PCs running
BSDI/386 Unix and Kendall Square Research KSR-1/KSR-2 parallel systems
running KSR-OS. Program development for these target machines is supported
by an easy-to-use and fully automatic cross-architecture make facility.

The following table lists all the machines and their symbolic architecture
names currently supported by the IPD Modula-2* system.

I386 = 386/486/Pentium PC running BSDI/386 Unix (sequential)
KSRP = Kendall Square Research KSR-1/KSR-2 running KSR-OS (parallel)
KSRS = Kendall Square Research KSR-1/KSR-2 running KSR-OS (sequential)
LINX = 386/486/Pentium PC running Linux (sequential)
MASP = MasPar MP-1/MP-2 with DECStation frontend running MP-Ultrix (parallel)
MIPS = R3000/R4000 DECStation running Ultrix (sequential)
SUN3 = 680x0 Sun-3 running SunOS (sequential)
SUN4 = SPARC Sun-4/SparcStation running SunOS (sequential)

| Distribution |

You can get the IPD Modula-2* distributions for all supported
architectures by anonymous ftp from "" [] in the
directory "pub/programming/modula2star". Please do not forget to use
binary mode when retrieving any of them! Their names and functionalities
are listed below.

  - "ipdm2s-install" (installation script)
  - "ipdm2s.doc.tar" (documentation archive)
  - "ipdm2s.<VERSION>.<ARCH>.tgz" (distribution archives)

The IPD Modula-2* distribution contains only binaries. Unfortunately, we
cannot make the sources of our system publicly available. (:-Considering
the state of our sources and the many hacks contained therein, this seems
to be a wise scheme anyhow ...-:) The documentation archive features
abundant gzip'ed documentation (well, at least sort of) and comes in "tar"
format. The distribution archives are in gzip'ed "tar" format and consist

  - compiler "msc",
  - symbolic source-level debugger prototype "msdb" (available for SUN4 only),
  - makefile generator "msmfg",
  - main cross-architecture make facilty driver "mm",
  - several useful command scripts (e.g. "mmclean", "msdel", "msrun", "msproj"),
  - graphical X Windows environment panel "xmsp",
  - Emacs elisp-mode "m2s.el" for Modula-2*,
  - parallel libraries "msEnum", "msReduce", and "msScan",
  - some basic libraries (e.g. "msFIO", "msIO", "msMath", "msTimer"), and
  - collected Modula-2* example programs.

| Installation |

To install version <VERSION> of the IPD Modula-2* system in directory
<INSTALL_DIR> for architecture <ARCH> please execute:

    "ipdm2s-install <VERSION> <INSTALL_DIR> <ARCH>"

*** WARNING ***
    The install script overwrites the files ".mspath", "Xmsp", and "architecture"
    in the directory <INSTALL_DIR>. If you have already installed IPD Modula-2*
    for another architecture and possibly modified these files, you should back
    them up before starting the new install procedure.
          The install script also overwrites any existing IPD Modula-2* installation
    in directory <INSTALL_DIR> for architecture <ARCH>. If you want to keep your
    current installation you must back it up, too.

| Registration |

Although IPD Modula-2* does not cost anything if solely used for research
and/or educational purposes, we ask you to send a registration email to
our electronic registration secretary "". Please clearly
state your name and current affiliation as well as all archives you
retrieved, installed, and intend to use. Thank you very much for your
co-operation in advance!

Keeping such a registration database is advantageous for both you and us.
In case of bug fixes and updates, we can directly inform each registered
user. As for funding the future of IPD Modula-2*, evidence of a world-wide
user base may decide between "life and death".

For further information and bug reports please contact the IPD Modula-2* team
at "".

| Language Extensions |

The programming language Modula-2* was developed to support high-level and
machine-independent parallel programming. As described in [1], it embodies the
following features:

  - An arbitrary number of processes operate on data in the same s i n g l e
      address space. Note that shared memory is not required. The single address
      space merely permits all memory to be addressed uniformly but not
      necessarily at uniform speed.

  - Synchronous and asynchronous parallel computations as well as arbitrary
      nestings thereof can be formulated in a totally machine-independent way.

  - Procedures may be called in any context, sequential or parallel, and at any
      nesting depth. Additional parallel computations can be spawned inside
      procedures (recursive parallelism).

  - All abstraction mechanisms of Modula-2 are available for parallel programs.

Despite its many achievements, Modula-2* extends Modula-2 with just two new
language constructs of simple and compact nature:

1. The distribution of array data may optionally be specified by so-called
        a l l o c a t o r s. These are machine-independent layout hints for the
        compiler without any semantic meaning.

            Allocator ::= LOCAL | SPREAD | CYCLE | SBLOCK | CBLOCK .

            ArrayType ::= ARRAY <SimpleType> [<Allocator>]
                                                    {"," <SimpleType> [<Allocator>]} OF <Type> .

        Date arrays will only be physically distributed over the available
        processor memories if any of their dimensions are decorated with
        allocators other than LOCAL. If no allocator is specified at all it
        defaults to LOCAL. Therefore, the below declarations of B and C are
        effectively equivalent.

                  B: ARRAY[1..n], [1..n] OF INTEGER;
                  C: ARRAY[1..n] LOCAL, [1..n] LOCAL OF INTEGER;
                  D: ARRAY[1..n] SBLOCK, [1..n] SBLOCK OF INTEGER;

2. To support explicitly parallel computations, Modula-2* introduces the
        F O R A L L statement in a synchronous and an asynchronous version.

            ForallStatement ::= FORALL <Ident> ":" <SimpleType> IN (PARALLEL | SYNC)
                                                    [ <VariableDeclaration>
                                                    BEGIN ]
                                                    END .

        Here, <SimpleType> denotes an enumeration or a possibly non-static
        subrange, i.e. the boundary expressions may contain variables. The
        FORALL creates as many (conceptual) processes as there are elements in
        <SimpleType>. The identifier introduced by the FORALL statement is
        local to it and serves as a runtime constant for every created
        process. The runtime constant of each process is initialized to a
        unique value of <SimpleType>.
              All processes created by a FORALL obtain private instances of
              variables declared in the optional <VariableDeclaration> part. Then
              they execute the statements in <StatementSequence>. The END of a
              FORALL imposes a synchronization barrier on the participating
              processes; termination of the whole FORALL is delayed until all
              created processes have finished their execution of
              The processes of a synchronous FORALL execute <StatementSequence>
              in lock-step, while they run concurrently in the asynchronous case.
              Hence, for non-overlapping vectors X, Y, Z an asynchronous FORALL
              statement suffices to implement the vector addition X=Y+Z.

        FORALL i: [1..n] IN PARALLEL
            Z[i] := X[i] + Y[i];

        In contrast to the above, parallel modifications of overlapping data
        structures may require synchronization. Here, synchronous FORALLs even
        allow for easy formulation of arbitrary irregular data permutations.

        FORALL i: [1..n] IN SYNC
            X[i] := X[p(i)];

        The above synchronous FORALL permutes vector X according to
        permutation function p(). The synchronous semantics ensure that all
        RHS elements X[p(i)] are read and temporarily stored before any LHS
        variable X[i] is written. The behaviour of branches and loops inside
        synchronous FORALLs is defined with a MSIMD (multiple SIMD) machine in
        mind. Consequently, Modula-2* does not require any synchronization
        between different branches of synchronous CASE or IF statements. The
        exact synchronous semantics of all Modula-2* statements, including
        nested FORALLs, and the effects of allocator declarations are
        described in [2] and [3].
              To illustrate the syntax and semantics of private variable declarations
        inside FORALLs we close this section with an example of a naively parallel
        matrix multiply combined with a matrix transposition that computes the
        resulting matrix C according to C=trans(A*B).

        FORALL i: [1..n] IN PARALLEL
            FORALL j: [1..n] IN PARALLEL
                VAR Cij, k: INTEGER;
                Cij := 0;
                FOR k:=1 TO n DO (* calculate vector product of i-th row *)
                    INC(Cij, A[i,k]*B[k,j]); (* of A and j-th column of B in local Cij *)
                C[j,i] := Cij; (* transposition by storing Cij in C[j,i] *)

| Credits |

The Modula-2* environment was developed at the Institute for Program
Structures and Data Organization (IPD), Department of Informatics,
University of Karlsruhe, F.R. Germany. During the long time of its
creation the IPD Modula-2* system engaged many people as the following
list of kernel contributors demonstrates:

  - Thomas Gauweiler (distribution, documentation, msmfg, test suite)
  - Stefan U. Haenssgen (debugger, msXDW, xmsp)
  - Ernst A. Heinz (compiler, demos, documentation, drivers, libraries)
  - Paul Lukowicz (compiler, demos)
  - Hendrik Mager (semantic analysis)
  - Michael Philippsen (benchmarks, compiler, test suite)

We thank Walter F. Tichy and Christian G. Herter for their initial
definition of the Modula-2* language extensions.

Furthermore, Juergen Fritsch deserves due credits for his corrections and
extensions of the Modula-2* parallel libraries "msEnum", "msReduce", and
"msScan" --- thank you, Juergen!

| Literature |

[1] S.U. Haenssgen, E.A. Heinz, P. Lukowicz, M. Philippsen, and W.F. Tichy.
          "The Modula-2* environment for parallel programming."
          In Proceedings of the Working Conference on Programming Models for
          Massively Parallel Computers, Berlin, Germany, September 20-22, 1993.
          (available by anonymous ftp from []
            in directory "pub/m2s" as "", "", or "")

[2] W.F. Tichy and C.G. Herter.
          "Modula-2*: An extension of Modula-2 for highly parallel,
            portable programs."
          Technical Report No. 4/90, Department of Informatics,
          University of Karlsruhe, January 1990.
          (available by anonymous ftp from []
            in directory "pub/m2s" as "", "", or "")

[3] J.R. Smith.
          "The design and analysis of parallel algorithms.
            Chapter 3: Modula-2*."
          Oxford University Press, December 1992.

[4] M. Philippsen, E.A. Heinz, and P. Lukowicz.
          "Compiling machine-independent parallel programs."
          ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 28, No. 8, pages 99-108, August 1993.

[5] M. Philippsen, T.M. Warschko, W.F. Tichy, C.G. Herter, E.A. Heinz,
          and P. Lukowicz.
          "Project Triton: Towards improved programmability of parallel computers."
          In D.J. Lija and P.L. Bird (editors), The Interaction of Compilation
          Technology and Computer Architecture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

| Ernst A. Heinz (email: |
| Institut fuer Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation |
| Fakultaet fuer Informatik, Universitaet Karlsruhe |
| Postfach 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe, F.R. Germany |
| (Voice: ++49/(0)721/6084386, FAX: ++49/(0)721/694092) |

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