Yale Tech Reports & Appel's Compiling With Continuations

john peterson <peterson-john@CS.YALE.EDU>
Tue, 28 Jan 92 12:03:00 EST

          From comp.compilers

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Yale Tech Reports & Appel's Compiling With Continuations peterson-john@CS.YALE.EDU (john peterson) (1992-01-28)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: john peterson <peterson-john@CS.YALE.EDU>
Keywords: books, ML
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 92 12:03:00 EST

norman@parc.xerox.com writes:
    I have had no luck in getting tech reports from Yale.

I'm not sure what difficulties people have experienced in getting Yale
tech reports, but let me provide the correct ordering information for the
reports mentioned. We're not that organized here, so if a request for a
tech report goes to the wrong person it may get lost. The correct address
for ordering tech reports from the old T project and the current Haskell
group is:

    Linda Joyce
    Yale University
    Department of Computer Science
    Box 2158 Yale Station
    New Haven, CT 06520

The reports of interest in this context are:
    Kelsey: Compilation by Program Transformation (thesis) #YALEU/DCS/RR702
    Kranz: ORBIT: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme (thesis) #YALEU/DCS/RR632

We charge a nominal $10 fee for mailing and copying costs. You may
request these reports either by Email to Linda or in writing to the above

Note that the T group is now defunct at Yale - we're all doing Haskell
compilers right now so don't ask us about T anymore.

I'll also endorse Andrew's book. While it definitely is more of a
document describing a particular compiler instead of a general compiler
textbook, it does a good job comparing his approach with other common
compilation strategies and evaluating the different optimizations and
transformations used in his system. It's much easier to write a book
about how something works rather than why it it was designed that way;
this book does a good job with the `why' aspect of compiler design.

            John Peterson
            Yale Haskell Project

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