Re: Request: YACC-able grammars for VHDL or Verilog

H T Fallside <>
28 Jan 92 12:58:16 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Request: YACC-able grammars for VHDL or Verilog varghese@cs.MENTORG.COM (1992-01-27)
Re: Request: YACC-able grammars for VHDL or Verilog (H T Fallside) (1992-01-28)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: H T Fallside <>
Keywords: yacc, VHDL, books
Organization: Edinburgh University
References: 92-01-108
Date: 28 Jan 92 12:58:16 GMT

varghese@cs.MENTORG.COM (Joseph Varghese) writes:
>How can I get my hands on a YACC-able grammar for VHDL or Verilog?

The Verilog Hardware Description Language
by D.E.Thomas (CMU) and P.Moorby (Cadence)
Kluwer Academic Publishers 1991

contains a formal description of the language in Appendix F which looks
like it would yield a yaccable grammar file.

Hamish Fallside | Internet:
Dept Electrical Engineering, | Janet:
The University of Edinburgh |
King's Buildings, Mayfield Road |
Edinburgh EH9 3JL |

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