TEMPORARIES in Reg. Alloc.

napi@rangkom.MY (Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah)
2 Apr 91 00:20:45 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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TEMPORARIES in Reg. Alloc. napi@rangkom.MY (1991-04-02)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: napi@rangkom.MY (Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah)
Keywords: registers, design
Organization: MIMOS, Malaysia
Date: 2 Apr 91 00:20:45 GMT

I would like to know what people think of the advantages/disadvantages
of letting TEMPORARIES to fight for registers along side PROGRAM VARIABLES,
as opposed to reserving the register allocation only for PROGRAM VARIABLES
and pre-alloacate a fixed number of registers for TEMPORARIES.

Please respond by email.


[Please mail responses both to him and to compilers; he gets compilers on
tape via boat mail a month late. -John]

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