Search for a smarter C cross reference.

jbh@bnrunix.uucp (John B. Hampton)
1 Jun 89 17:51:36 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Search for a smarter C cross reference. jbh@bnrunix.uucp (1989-06-01)
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From: jbh@bnrunix.uucp (John B. Hampton)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.sources.wanted,comp.compilers
Keywords: xref, C, cross reference, wanted, help
Date: 1 Jun 89 17:51:36 GMT
Distribution: usa
Organization: BNR Inc., RTP, NC

At BNR we have a "cross reference" facility for a proprietary language that,
among other things, will produce sizes of data items, offsets from
module-local "0", and running totals thereof. I would appreciate knowing
of a similar xref for the C language. Criteria are:

o Need source for the xref itself in C or executables runnable on
Sun 4 and HP 9000/300.
o The sizes and offsets should appear within a "normal" (cxref-
type) cross reference listing along with other info.
o Would be nice to have running totals in a listing beside the
pertinent data items.

Thanks in advance.
John Hampton (rti!bnrunix!jbh), 919-991-8146
BNR, Inc. POB 13478 RTP, NC 27709
[I suppose you could try to munge together the output of cxref and an "nm"
of the compiled version, but it'd be an interesting challenge. -John]

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