Re: How is the concept of scope implemented?

Vimal <>
Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:45:02 +0530

          From comp.compilers

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From: Vimal <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:45:02 +0530
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 08-11-054 08-11-062 08-11-089
Keywords: storage, symbols, comment
Posted-Date: 19 Nov 2008 19:55:12 EST

> I like the multiple table method, or some kind of
> hierarchial/multi-data-structure thing. It seems to me though that
> keeping track of the current scope can be a potential source of
> inefficiency. For example:

I think the compiler keeps the multiple table method only during
compilation time, to *fix* the addresses. In your example:

> Developer writes:
> void my_func()
> {
> // func code
> }

Say we have an `int a;' inside my_func(); the compiler knows that its
offset is x bytes from the stack pointer (say). It needn't know the
absolute address and needn't have to output code to compute the
address during run time. So, I doubt there is much of *computation*
(at run time) that takes place in statically scoped languages.

Yes, in dynamically scoped, there will be issues. I am curious -- Are
there any dynamically scoped compiled languages?

[Some versions of Lisp can compile dynamically scoped code, albeit not
all that efficiently. -John]

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