Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (VBDis)
3 Sep 2004 12:38:37 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-08-23)
Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-08-25)
Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-09-03)
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From: (VBDis)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Sep 2004 12:38:37 -0400
Organization: AOL Bertelsmann Online GmbH & Co. KG
References: 04-08-141
Keywords: parse
Posted-Date: 03 Sep 2004 12:38:37 EDT (Space Monkey) schreibt:

>I should have added that the desired outcome is to populate the
>contents of a binary file using instructions contained in a separate
>text file.

In that simple case I'd handcraft the appropriate code.

>I am a complete novice on YACC and BISON and any help with the grammar
>rules for the parsing the hexadecimal list in the above example is

If you want to learn more about YACC and BISON, then have a look at a C like
grammar (you'll not need a full C/C++ grammar). The semantic code may be
simple, depending on the "commands" in your text file. For your example you can
use a global variable for the memory address, where every parsed number is to
be stored, and afterwards the address has to be incremented (*addr++ = nmbr;).


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