Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (Space Monkey)
25 Aug 2004 14:53:35 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-08-23)
Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-08-25)
Re: Newbie Q - Grammer rules for parsing HEX string in BISON (2004-09-03)
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From: (Space Monkey)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 25 Aug 2004 14:53:35 -0400
References: 04-08-122
Keywords: yacc
Posted-Date: 25 Aug 2004 14:53:35 EDT (Space Monkey) wrote
> I am new to BISON and am trying to setup the grammer rules for parsing
> a hex string in BISON.
> I am using the mfcalc example at
> and trying to
> parse a file containing strings such as,
> DEFINE Key1 0x01C8
> and
> SET Key1 0xAC,0xE5,0x31,0x2A,0x4C,0x1D,0x56,0xEA,0x33,0xE9,0x2E,0x14,0xA2,0xFA,0x4A,0x18
> Can anyone help with the grammar?
> thanks

I should have added that the desired outcome is to populate the
contents of a binary file using instructions contained in a separate
text file.

For example, if I have a file test.bin, using the data in the above
email, I want to populate the file at location 0x01C8 (address Key1)
with the data 0xAC,0xE5 ..., according to the SET Key1 instruction.

I am a complete novice on YACC and BISON and any help with the grammar
rules for the parsing the hexadecimal list in the above example is

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