Re: PL/I syntax, was Java Comment-Preserving Grammar

Peter Flass <>
26 Jun 2004 23:53:47 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Peter Flass <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Jun 2004 23:53:47 -0400
Organization: Road Runner
References: 04-05-075 04-06-004 04-06-022 04-06-041 04-06-057 04-06-071 04-06-083 04-06-083
Keywords: PL/I
Posted-Date: 26 Jun 2004 23:53:47 EDT

Alex Colvin wrote:
> [The PL/I standard has a special case for iSUB, and it appears that
> you can't put spaces there. You can't put spaces in bit string
> constants either, e.g. '0031'B2 which we all know is an eight bit string
> expressed in quat. -John]

I'm not sure about the standard, but some compilers, perhaps notably the
IBM "Enterprise" PL/I's allow "break characters ("_") in bit strings and
numbers. '1000_0000'B is '80'x; 123_456 is equivalent to 123456.

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