Re: PL/I syntax, was Java Comment-Preserving Grammar

Alex Colvin <>
21 Jun 2004 23:52:08 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Alex Colvin <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Jun 2004 23:52:08 -0400
Organization: The World : : Since 1989
References: 04-05-075 04-06-004 04-06-022 04-06-041 04-06-057 04-06-071
Keywords: PL/I, parse, comment
Posted-Date: 21 Jun 2004 23:52:08 EDT

>> ....PL/I has extra excitement beyond tokenizing because it has no
>> reserved words and you can write IF IF=THEN THEN IF=ELSE; ELSE
>> IF=THEN; -John]

aren't isubs such as X(1SUB,2SUB) also special?
Can whitespace appear between the number and "SUB".
I suppose this could be handled as a special ISUB token /[0-9]+SUB/.
Still pretty unusual.

mac the naïf
[The PL/I standard has a special case for iSUB, and it appears that
you can't put spaces there. You can't put spaces in bit string
constants either, e.g. '0031'B2 which we all know is an eight bit string
expressed in quat. -John]

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