Re: Compiler Theory/History Book Recommendations Wanted (skidmarks)
9 Mar 2002 03:11:35 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: (skidmarks)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 9 Mar 2002 03:11:35 -0500
References: 01-11-138 02-02-029
Keywords: history, bibliography
Posted-Date: 09 Mar 2002 03:11:35 EST

I suspect you should include in this list:

    The original Knuth article on LR(1) grammars (circa 1967
Communication of the ACM)
    The original SLR(1) article (J. Early?) circa 1969 Communications of
the ACM.

      And the two follow-up articles on LALR(1) grammars, circa 1971/2
Communications of the ACM.

      You might also look at LL(1) grammars in, for example, Rosenkrantz
& Sterns book on compiler design (198?).

      The self-same Communications had BNF for Algol-60, CACM 1960, and
for Fortran II, about 1961.

      And if your looking at compiler-compilers then Wortman et alia's
'Compiler Generator', about 1968 might be useful.

      And don't forget that there were some compiler efforts written in
LISP in the 60's and in various macro languages in the 60's and 70's.

Sorry about the '??' and the 'circas' but I'm at work and all of the
references are at home, sigh.

good luck

[Don't forget Ned Irons 1962(?) CACM paper on syntax directed translation.
It's a slog to get through, but it made the key observation that you can
associate chunks of code with parse rules and compose them as you parse
to get the target code. -John]

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