Re: JVM as UNCOL, was ANDF/TDF (Fergus Henderson)
16 Oct 2001 00:07:58 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Fergus Henderson)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 16 Oct 2001 00:07:58 -0400
Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne
References: 01-08-091 01-09-064 01-09-075 01-10-016 01-10-031 01-10-058
Keywords: UNCOL, Java, OOP
Posted-Date: 16 Oct 2001 00:07:58 EDT

Jesper Zuschlag <> writes:

>Greg C wrote:
>> Check me if I'm wrong, but the .Net version of Eiffel# has been
>> shipping for three months now. Yes they faced some serious challenges
>> getting everything to run, but I don't know that their problems were
>> any different than those faced by other compiler vendors (including
>> MSoft.)
>I have heard that they had to "modify" some of Eiffel's semantic
>because it was not supported by the .NET byte code and virtual machine

They didn't *have* to; they chose to do so, in order to get an initial
version out sooner, not because implementing multiple inheritence was
impossible, but rather because it was complicated.

I think in the long term they do plan to eventually implement
full Eiffel, including multiple inheritence, for the CLR.
Fergus Henderson <> | "... it seems to me that 15 years of
The University of Melbourne | email is plenty for one lifetime."
WWW: <> | -- Prof. Donald E. Knuth

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