ANDF [Architecture Neutral Distribution Format] and TDF - What is the current status?

"Carsten Kuckuk" <>
17 Aug 2001 00:09:51 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Carsten Kuckuk" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Aug 2001 00:09:51 -0400
Organization: Customer of UUNET Deutschland GmbH
Keywords: UNCOL, history, comment
Posted-Date: 17 Aug 2001 00:09:51 EDT

Dear Newsgroup,

On a mailing list, ANDF has been mentioned and I tried to find
information about this technology. It is my impression that not much
is going on in this area, and that most web sites are stale, as lots
of links are broken, and several copies of old documents are on the
web. For example, a freely available implementation of a C/C++
compiler is TenDRA, and .tar.gz files can be found on several web
sites, but they don't build anymore on current Linux distributions. I
tried SuSE 6.2 from 1999, and SuSE 7.2 from summer 2001. The only
openly available standard I could find was the document TDF
Specification, Issue 4.0, June 1995, a postscript file. To my
surprise, a web search for "TDF Specification" also turned out two
sites containing HTML versions of "TDF Specification, Issue 4.0,
January 1998". The e-mail address given as a contact in the standard

Does anybody in this newgroup know what the status of ANDF and its
freely available implementation / predecessor TDF / TenDRA is?

Any help would be appreciated!

Carsten Kuckuk
[I presume it's quietly died. That's what happened to all of the other
UNCOL projects in the past 50 years. -John]

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