Re: JVM as UNCOL, was ANDF/TDF (Fergus Henderson)
16 Oct 2001 00:07:36 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Fergus Henderson)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 16 Oct 2001 00:07:36 -0400
Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne
References: 01-08-091 01-09-064 01-09-075 01-10-051
Keywords: UNCOL, Java
Posted-Date: 16 Oct 2001 00:07:35 EDT

Sunil Kumar Anand <> writes:

>Yes,everything can be ported to JVM.But the important point to be
>noted is how good rather bad the efficiency of the programs will
>be.Most of the times it happens that u r spoiling the efficiency of
>the language which u r porting to JVM.

Actually, that point is not so important now. The issue which is more
important these days, as machines continue to get faster, is how good
or bad the efficiency of the *programmers* will be.

If you can get good interoperability with existing code on your target
platform, then compiling to JVM or CLR may well be a good choice, even
at the expense of program efficiency, because access to a large set of
existing high-level components and libraries can significantly increase
programmer productivity.

However, getting good interoperability is a lot easier said than done;
it requires considerable effort above and beyond just writing a compiler
that targets the JVM or the CLR.
Fergus Henderson <> | "... it seems to me that 15 years of
The University of Melbourne | email is plenty for one lifetime."
WWW: <> | -- Prof. Donald E. Knuth

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