The comp.compilers newsgroup

Comp.compilers is a moderated usenet news group addressing the topics of compilers in particular and programming language design and implementation in general. It started in 1986 as a moderated mailing list, but interest quickly grew to the point where it was promoted to a news group. Recent topics have included optimization techniques, language design issues, announcements of new compiler tools, and book reviews.

Messages come from a wide variety of people ranging from undergraduate students to well-known experts in industry and academia. Authors live all over the world -- there are regular messages from the U.S, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan, with occasional ones from as far away as Malaysia. The estimated total readership is over 100,000, which makes it by far the most widely read medium on the topic in the world. Messages may be submitted via the post function in any usenet news program, or by e-mail to compilers@iecc·com.

You can read messages as comp.compilers on usenet, as web pages on this web site (see below and to the right for RSS feeds), and as an e-mail mailing list. The messages are the same no matter which way you read it.

Follow us on Mastodon and Bluesky

Comp.compilers now has its own feeds. It is on Mastodon at

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In blog-land

Comp.compilers is also available as an RSS feed, indexing the articles archived here. The RSS feed is updated in real time and shows the most recent articles posted, skipping over the boilerplate articles posted on the first of each month. The link to the RSS feed is By default it shows ten articles, but you can tell it to show up to 100 articles by adding /n=NN to the end of the URL, where NN is the number of articles you want to see.

Mailing list

Messages are also available as a mailing list. Start at this web page to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Site search

This site is designed to be fully indexed by search engines, so Google, Bing, et al. should be able to find all but the most recently added articles. There is also a local search engine for subjects (updated as articles are published) and full-text article contents (updated nightly).

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Recent articles

LLVM-based compiler for toy Lisp in 8 hours with AI generation. (Kaz Kylheku) (2025-03-18)
Paper: Hercules: A Compiler for Productive Programming of Heterogeneous Systems (John R Levine) (2025-03-17)
Paper: An Attempt to Catch Up with JIT Compilers: The False Lead of Optimizing Inline Caches (John R Levine) (2025-03-03)
AEiC 2025 - Ada-Europe conference - CfC for Additional Tracks (June 2025, Paris) (2025-02-18)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (George Neuner) (2025-01-25)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language OrangeFish@invalid.invalid (OrangeFish) (2025-01-23)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (Keith Thompson) (2025-01-23)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (Dmitri Volkov) (2025-01-23)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (George Neuner) (2025-01-21)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (George Neuner) (2025-01-21)
Re: Books on writing a compiler, was Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler (2025-01-21)
Re: lecture notes on compilers, was Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler (Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira) (2025-01-21)
Re: Books on writing a compiler, was Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler (2025-01-21)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language OrangeFish@invalid.invalid (OrangeFish) (2025-01-20)
Re: Paper: Developing a Modular Compiler for a Subset of a C-like Language (Salvador Mirzo) (2025-01-20)

| Index of all articles for this month|

Compiler job messages

Help wanted and Position Available messages are collected each week and posted in a digest every Sunday. Since comp.compilers readers live all over the world, messages should include some hint about the location of the job, whether the employer will consider relocating people who live somewhere else, or consider applicants who are not residents of their country. See recent job digests. Job messages may be submitted the same way as any other message, by mail to compilers@iecc·com.

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