Naven Sharma

"Jack C Shofner" <>
18 Nov 1999 02:47:27 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Naven Sharma (Jack C Shofner) (1999-11-18)
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From: "Jack C Shofner" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Followup-To: poster
Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:47:27 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: design

First, I am not content with C++. Being a super set adds to C's
complexity. On the other hand, the other languages such as Ada, C,
and Pascal are very user friendly. These languages basically have the
same concept behind them, yet they each have their differences.

(C is now being revised: search for C9x)

As you know, must programming languages were developed to make
programming a computer much easier; it was more readable for humans.
The language itself encompassed the CPU and other hardware such as
I/O. Today, as I see it must languages at least for the x86 are not
using the CPUs full potential. That is, they are not using all of the
instructions in the CPU. Now there is MMX and 3D Now. Have you seen
any programming language make any usage of the newer instructions?
All I know of is DirectX and Direct3D from Microsoft which are APIs
(it makes for slow animation with all of the overhead). There is a
new assembler on the scene, and it is called NASM. It compiles for
must of the existing CPUs. It even does the AMD chips...

My compiler is to be far from object-orientation. Right now I am
trying to come up with a syntax; doing some brainstorming.

This language is to allow for text screens and graphics. It is to
encompass the CPU and operating system and other hardware.

If someone wants to develop a game, there should be built in commands
(functions or procedures) that access the MMX or 3D Now instructions.
Also, there should be commands for the whole entire 3D world or 2D

Things like this the language will include.

Yes, this is a massive undertaking. But it needs to evolve; take
[Followup to him, please, this doesn't have much to do with compiler design,
at least not until he comes up with something to try to implement. -John]

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