Runtime mini-compiler for a formula

"Greg" <>
16 Nov 1999 23:43:37 -0500

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Runtime mini-compiler for a formula (Greg) (1999-11-16)
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From: "Greg" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 16 Nov 1999 23:43:37 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: question, parse

I am scraping together bits of code to make a mathematical formula
runtime mini compiler. What this will do, is take a string (with a
formula in it) as an argument, and initialize a class with information
as to evaluating the formula during run-time. The behaviour of the
first few steps of this compiler are very much like a normal language
compiler -- the only problem is that that part is not yet implemented.

I simply do not know where to start. I realize that I am a mere
programming amateur (more of a mathematician) but can efficiently code
in C when I know what I'm doing...

Here's an example. For a graphing program, the program would include
the above capability for interpreting the user's formula. If the user
entered the formula "x+(y-3)*9" to be graphed, I need to put that
string through the mini-compiler in order to get a set of
instructions, much like assembly language, that would look like:

1. Calculate y subtract 3
2. 9 times step one
3. x plus step two

All I need is a bit of code that can do the above. Maybe what I am
describing is a parser but the definition is cloudy in my mind.

Anyway, thankyou very much for reading.

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