Stack and calling convention questions

"Thelonious Georgia" <>
1 Aug 1999 23:04:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Stack and calling convention questions (Thelonious Georgia) (1999-08-01)
Re: Stack and calling convention questions (1999-08-07)
Re: Stack and calling convention questions (Tzvetan Mikov) (1999-08-12)
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From: "Thelonious Georgia" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 1 Aug 1999 23:04:28 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: C, practice

Hey all-

I'm trying to understand better the assembly created by the compiler
for my C++ programs, especially the differences in the various calling
conventions. I understand why a function like printf() or main()
needs to be cdecl, but under what circumstances would I want to
deliberately make a function fastcall? Thus, I'm trying to use the
assembly output to glean some more information, but I'm a bit stuck at
what I'm looking at; I'm not confused about the assembly output
itself, I'm just wondering why it's doing some of the things it does
(like, why have an xor eax,eax *after* the program returns?) I'm
sticking with a super duper simple example:

int foo(int x);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int x,y;

  y = 3;

  x = foo(y);
  return 0;

int foo(int x)
  return ++x;

Anyway, if anyone knows of any good books or websites to examine, I
would greatly appreciate it.


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