Pre compiler Help

"Philip McILvenna" <>
31 Jan 1999 23:46:31 -0500

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Pre compiler Help (Philip McILvenna) (1999-01-31)
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From: "Philip McILvenna" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 31 Jan 1999 23:46:31 -0500
Organization: Customer of Planet Online
Keywords: C++, parse, question

Hi I need information on creating a C++ precompiler. Can anyone let
me Know were to find info. I need to precompile C++ code that may not
be complete prior to lex/parsing it. Its more what a precompiler
does, I know that most full compilers can be set to precompile only.
The odject is to create a single file to pass to the parser which will
convert it to a Language Independent form I have developed. Thanks for
any help

P McILvenna
[If you mean the preprocessor that handles #include and the like, it's
easy enough to do that, but the preprocessor doesn't know any C++. -John]

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