Looking for a C Vector compiler

sanjay vishin <svishin@avaj.com>
31 Jan 1999 01:12:44 -0500

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Looking for a C Vector compiler svishin@avaj.com (sanjay vishin) (1999-01-31)
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From: sanjay vishin <svishin@avaj.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 31 Jan 1999 01:12:44 -0500
Organization: Avaj Inc
Keywords: C, parallel


It looks like there are no existing commercial C vectorizing compilers
out there other than the ones sold by the supercomputer hardware
houses like NEC etc. If anyone knows of any, can you please let me
know. I thought that the Portland Group would have one ?

Thanks in advance,
Sanjay Vishin-

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