[Announce] Alto: Post Link Time Optimizer for the Alpha

muth@cs.arizona.edu (Robert M. Muth)
31 Jan 1999 01:12:19 -0500

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[Announce] Alto: Post Link Time Optimizer for the Alpha muth@cs.arizona.edu (1999-01-31)
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From: muth@cs.arizona.edu (Robert M. Muth)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 31 Jan 1999 01:12:19 -0500
Organization: University of Arizona, Computer Science
Keywords: optimize, available

This is to announce the first public release of Alto, a post link time
optimizer for Alpha CPUs.

Alto reads in a compiled and linked executable and produces an
optimized version of the executable. Alto currently is specific to
Alpha CPUs and DEC/COMPAQ Unix. It is tuned for the 21164 CPU. Alto
frequently improves the performance beyond that attained by high
levels of compiler optimization. Among other techniques, Alto makes
extensive use of profiling information obtained from the pixie
instrumentation tool.

The software and documentation is available from the Alto Home Page:


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