Re: Memory,allocator,performance in C/C++ compilers

Markus Kohler <>
27 Jan 1999 13:02:06 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Memory allocator performance in C/C++ compilers (ed mckenzie) (1999-01-22)
Re: Memory,allocator,performance in C/C++ compilers (Markus Kohler) (1999-01-27)
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From: Markus Kohler <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Jan 1999 13:02:06 -0500
Organization: Hewlett Packard GmbH, BSTD R&D
References: 99-01-081
Keywords: storage, performance

"ed mckenzie" <> writes:

> Am I missing something? Are there other things influencing allocator
> performance besides block size, number of blocks, and allocation
> pattern?

Yes the algorithm used for example. Depending on the algorithm some
allocators are better for small blocks and others are better for
larger blocks.

> Or is VC++'s memory allocator just slower than the other >
> compilers?

Since I haven't analyzed yet I can't tell you if it is really slower.
But my experience with allocators on other platforms( HP-UX) shows
that there are significant differences in allocator performance. For
example I found that the HP-UX is rather slow compared to for example
Doug Leas allocator ( . As far as I remember it
was a factor of 4 or 5.

> Interestingly, there's a third-party allocator for VC++ (UltraHeap)
> that claims similar performance gains over the standard 6.0 RTL
> allocator. Is there a heap benchmark that could measure this sort of
> thing with more accuracy and completeness than a simple test
> program?

No idea.

I can recommend you Doug Leas allocator it's free and I think it works
on Windows too. The last time I tested gnu-malloc it was slower when
this allocator (at least on my platform HP-UX).

Another thing you should consider is implementing an allocation scheme
yourself for the most important datastructures.

Markus Kohler

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