AMC: Flexible Syntax

Mark Grosberg <>
27 Jan 1999 12:22:17 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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AMC: Flexible Syntax (Mark Grosberg) (1999-01-27)
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From: Mark Grosberg <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Jan 1999 12:22:17 -0500
Organization: I need to put my ORGANIZATION here.
Keywords: parse


I would like to tell everybody here about a compiler I wrote that has
"definable syntax." It tries to give the mental feel of FORTH or Lisp
to C while still retaining the style of the C language.

If you are interested, it is available at (It is
free, portable, and under a license agreement similar to NASM).

Comments welcome.

Mark G.

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