Re: html and flex

27 Jan 1999 12:10:40 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
html and flex (1999-01-25)
Re: html and flex rogerb@sco.COM (1999-01-27)
Re: html and flex mikee@cetasoft.cog (1999-01-27)
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From: rogerb@sco.COM
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Jan 1999 12:10:40 -0500
Organization: SCO
References: 99-01-093
Keywords: WWW, lex wrote:
: and I have been playing with using flex to interpret the html tags.

Do you intend to only display HTML you have generated yourself, or
random user supplied data. If the latter, you'll find that very few
files actually conform, and it is a lot easier to write a simple fault
tolerant parser by hand.

If it is the former, I would suggest using XML instead. A search of
Yahoo will give you pointers to many tools in many languages for it.

Roger Binns
Software Architect
Client Integration Division
SCO, Vision Park, Cambridge

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