Re: Almost JIT (Fergus Henderson)
19 Jan 1999 01:56:20 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Fergus Henderson)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 19 Jan 1999 01:56:20 -0500
Organization: Computer Science, The University of Melbourne
References: 99-01-042 99-01-066
Keywords: code, 386

>[The x86 code from the I have here looks like it won't work if
>bar recursively calls foo. -John]

It looks OK to me. Each time foo takes the address of its nested function,
it copies the trampoline template from the ".rodata" section onto
the stack, filling in the stack pointer in the template as it goes.

Anyway for details see <>.
Fergus Henderson <>
WWW: <>
PGP: finger fjh@
[Ah, so it does. "Never mind." -John]

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