Re: O(n) Good Enough

Dennis Ritchie <>
19 Jan 1999 00:52:05 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Dennis Ritchie <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 19 Jan 1999 00:52:05 -0500
Organization: Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
References: 99-01-052 99-01-058
Keywords: C, parse, history

Glen Austin wrote, in an aside:

> (It's my understanding that the folks at AT&T
> used to design the yystate, yyreduce, yygoto, yyrule, etc. tables by
> hand, before yacc was designed, imagine that.)

Not for real compilers. Probably for books/courses illustrating the
principles. On the other hand there was compiler work at Bell Labs
outside the Sethi/Ullman/Aho/Johnson group that I don't know much
about. E.g. there was a language called EPL/X used in switching
systems whose code generation techniques influenced those in the first
C compiler, but I know nothing about how it was parsed.


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