Re: status of bison++ (Bob McWhirter)
17 Jan 1999 22:23:04 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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status of bison++ (Cees Wesseling) (1999-01-17)
Re: status of bison++ (1999-01-17)
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From: (Bob McWhirter)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Jan 1999 22:23:04 -0500
Organization: DIGEX, Inc. - Beltsville, MD -
References: 99-01-060
Keywords: C++, PCCTS

You might be interested in PCCTS, available at,
if you want to move to C++.

Creates nice re-entrant classes, and can be used with flex.

It's LL(k) instead of LALR parsing, so you gotta deal with
a different type of grammar. But still quite usable (and
preferred, in my case).


Cees Wesseling mumbled something about "status of bison++":
> [ what about flex++ and bison ++ ]

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