Re: Z80 translator

"Gerard Krupa" <>
17 Jan 1999 20:51:39 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Z80 translator (Gordon Abbott) (1999-01-15)
Re: Z80 translator (1999-01-17)
Re: Z80 translator (Gerard Krupa) (1999-01-17)
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From: "Gerard Krupa" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Jan 1999 20:51:39 -0500
Organization: Marconi Communications
References: 99-01-049
Keywords: translator

Gordon Abbott <> wrote

>Does anyone know of a program which will translate z80 assembly language
>source into 68000 or some other "newer" processor's instruction set?

  After a brief search I found the following files on the 'net:

I haven't managed to compile it yet using GNU Pascal but maybe you'll
have more luck.

According to the doc, this is a Z80 to 68k ASM converter written by
Motorola themselves. The first two files are the Pascal source code
to the utility, the final file is a 68k ASM stub that has to be put on
the front of converted source code in order for it to assemble.

        Gerard Krupa

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