Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser

"Harald Fjerdingstad" <>
17 Jan 1999 20:50:27 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (Harald Fjerdingstad) (1999-01-06)
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Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (Ehud Lamm) (1999-01-11)
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Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser mikee@cetasoft.cog (1999-01-15)
Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (1999-01-15)
Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (Harald Fjerdingstad) (1999-01-17)
Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser mikee@cetasoft.cog (1999-01-19)
Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (N. D. Culver) (1999-01-20)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: "Harald Fjerdingstad" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Jan 1999 20:50:27 -0500
Organization: Telenor Online Public Access
References: 99-01-012 99-01-016 99-01-020 99-01-022 99-01-026 99-01-043
Keywords: design

> I think if the report language was mostly declarative, a reversable or
> redundant representation might not be necessary.

What about those who really want to write code?

Wouldn't this approach end up with a too complicated grammar for the
"coding-people". Remember to represent ex. a text label on a
report-band, in an object fashion (to be able to let it be visually
edited), you need to give it a lot of properties:

1. The text to be written
2. The X position in metric or inch term
3. The Y position in metric or inch term
4. The font name
5. The font color
6. The font style (bold, normal, etc)
7. The alignment attribute (left, right, center)

With this approach you will move to a more "HTML way" of doing it,
with very long syntactical lines.


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