Re: Z80 translator (RogerHA)
17 Jan 1999 20:47:07 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Z80 translator (Gordon Abbott) (1999-01-15)
Re: Z80 translator (1999-01-17)
Re: Z80 translator (Gerard Krupa) (1999-01-17)
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From: (RogerHA)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Jan 1999 20:47:07 -0500
Organization: AOL,
References: 99-01-049
Keywords: translator

"Gordon Abbott" <> writes:
>Does anyone know of a program which will translate z80 assembly language
>source into 68000 or some other "newer" processor's instruction set?

I am sending you by e-mail an Algol-60 program which does
Z80->8086. It's table driven so I am sending the table also. It was
used to port an Algol system from the Z80 to MSDOS. Some hand working
was required afterwards, but the bulk of the code needed no changes. I
know I did a table for a different machine to 68000, but I have lost
it. I expect you could make a table for direct conversion to 68000.

The Algol system itself can be downloaded from the web site. Designed
to be usable with paper tape, it runs like greased lightning on todays
machines. The I/O is all well behaved, using BDOS calls only, so it
should run in any DOS box.

Roger Abbott,
RHA (Minisystems) Ltd.
Windows shareware, DDE tools, Algol60

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