debugger for sh or csh

Kirk Abbott <>
15 Jan 1999 01:06:41 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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debugger for sh or csh (Kirk Abbott) (1999-01-15)
Re: debugger for sh or csh (1999-01-19)
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From: Kirk Abbott <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 15 Jan 1999 01:06:41 -0500
Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc.
Keywords: debug, question, comment


I was just poking aroung the DDD home page and saw debuggers for a
number of languages (including perl & python). Then it occurred to me
that I have *never* seen a debugger for sh or csh.

Now one may say that this is hardly ever necessary, but trying to
figure out why an autoconf generated 'configure' has gone awry, can be
tricky with just 'echo'.

Any suggestions ?

[I usually use the -x flag -John]

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