Re: plsql grammar ?

Emre Omacan <>
11 Jan 1999 14:43:28 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
plsql grammar ? (John Robinson) (1998-10-04)
Re: plsql grammar ? (1998-10-05)
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Re: plsql grammar ? (Emre Omacan) (1999-01-11)
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From: Emre Omacan <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:43:28 -0500
Organization: Akademi Software Consulting
Keywords: SQL, parse, question

John Robinson <> wrote:
>Can anyone point me to a formal grammar for PLSQL? PCCTS, Yacc ...

Have a look at

Although it is not a direct input to any parser generator, this site
contains a hyperlinked BNF grammar
for Oracle7 PL/SQL version 2.1.

Also look at the JavaCC grammars page at < >.
As far as I remember, I saw a client side (version 1.x) PL/SQL grammar
for JavaCC.

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